American President Joe Biden Eagerly Waiting For G 20 Summit To Be Held In India Message To PM Narendra Modi

American President Joe Biden Eagerly Waiting For G 20 Summit To Be Held In India Message To PM Narendra Modi

Joe Biden on G-20 Summit in India: The eyes of the country as well as the world are focused on the G-20 summit to be held in India next year. While preparations are going on in full swing in the country, on the other hand, US President Joe Biden is also looking forward to this summit. His eagerness can be gauged from the fact that he has given a message for the G-20 summit.

The term of India’s G20 presidency officially began on Thursday. In a message for the G-20 summit to be held in India, Joe Biden said that he is eager to support my friend Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the Indian presidency of the G20. Along with this, he also talked about climate, energy and food crisis and said that America and India will pursue sustainable and inclusive development while dealing with challenges like climate, energy and food crisis.

Biden told India a strong partner

Describing India as a strong partner of America, President Joe Biden said on Friday, 2 December 2022 that India is a strong partner of America and I look forward to supporting my friend Prime Minister Modi during India’s G20 presidency. He has said this by tweeting. Prime Minister Modi said on Thursday that India will work to promote unity by being inspired by the theme of One Earth, One Family, One Future. Will list terrorism, climate change, pandemic as biggest challenges.

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PM Modi told the G-20 agenda to be inclusive

Prime minister Narendra Modi Said that India’s G20 agenda will be inclusive, ambitious, action-oriented and decisive. Let us join together to make India’s G20 Presidency a presidency of healing, harmony and hope. Let us work together to shape a new human-centred globalization paradigm.

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